However I didn't find this out until my mid-thirties and instead spent most of my life feeling broken, alone, stuck and like an Alien in the world.

Hi, I'm Zoe and I have ADHD


So I had A LOT of jobs. I got fired, left after a few years as I got bored or hated office politics. Along the way I also tried various self employed work, I started an online Roller Derby Skate Shop, I tried selling handmade goods, I tried Drop-Shipping and also had a successful online bakery but that closed because burnout. I didn't know what to do next and then I got Coaching and a new journey began.

As soon as I left high school I started working. I had no career goals, didn't know what I wanted to be but I knew I always wanted to work for myself, I just didn't know how.

I sucked at being employed and self employed

So. Many. Jobs!
After my bakery closed, I felt so lost. I'd failed at so many things, I still didn't have 'the one' career in sight and so I got a coach and my life literally changed and lead me to became a Coach myself!
For years, I underwent counseling, grappling with feelings of brokenness and isolation, constantly attempting to 'fix' myself. I was plagued by questions:

  • Why did I struggle to maintain stable relationships, often finding myself in short-lived ones?
  • Why was it so hard to forge lasting friendships?
  • Why couldn't I settle on a career, constantly flitting between numerous ideas without being able to commit to one?
  • Why did life seem like an uphill battle, while others appeared to navigate it with ease?

These questions mostly remained unanswered until I understood the role of ADHD in my life.

After completing my coaching training, I began a journey of professional growth, working with a diverse range of clients to build my hours and refine my skills. This path led me to a transformative Neurodivergent Workshop conducted by Gem Kennedy, who would become a dear friend and a pivotal influence in my life.

The workshop opened my eyes to the world of ADHD, sparking an intense period of self-reflection and discovery. Initially, I questioned my feelings – wondering if I was reading too much into it or simply following a trend. However, this introspection led me to a profound realization: I indeed have ADHD. And that revelation was not just an acceptance but an empowering understanding of my true self.

Thanks for listening to my story.
I can't wait to hear yours!

How I Like To Relax

learning something new, following ideas I have and reels

Favorite Drink

iced almond milk coffee

Anything you're working on or getting support  for?

Friendships. I know why I struggle with them and how my adhd effects this but I'm still learning how I move forward with this myself

What Fidget toys do you have?

I have soft toys, shaped stones and a super soft foundation brush

Current Food you eat all the time?

I've just come out of a long ramen noodle phase and now it's toasties

Any pets?

yes, mini Labradoodle called Cassie

6 Random Facts


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